Recently patch clamp techniques and optical fluorometric techniques ha
ve been applied to freshly dissociated or cultured carotid body glomus
cells to investigate chemosensory mechanisms of the carotid. body. Ho
wever, very few studies have shown the effects of the dissociation and
/or culture conditions on the health and function of the cells. The pu
rpose of this study was to develop a culture method which support heal
thy and functioning carotid body cells from adult cats. Carotid bodies
were dissociated with 0.1-0.2% collagenase and gentle trituration. Th
e cells were plated on glass wells coated with poly-D-lysin and Matrig
el, and cultured in chemically defined medium. Culture was maintained
for up to 37 days without overgrowth of fibroblasts. Glomus cells exte
nded their processes within and from clusters. Single glomus cells acq
uired the shape of neurons. Glomus cells synthesized dopamine and its
secretion increased during exposure of the cells to hypoxia. Tyrosine
hydroxylase was expressed throughout the culture period. These results
indicate that glomus cells cultured under conditions described here a
re healthy and function in a manner similar to that in vivo.