Jx. Zheng, 3-DIMENSIONAL ELECTROMAGNETIC SIMULATION OF ELECTRONIC-CIRCUITS OF GENERAL SHAPE, International journal of microwave and millimeter-wave computer-aided engineering, 4(4), 1994, pp. 384-395
A general purpose CAD tool, the IE3D electromagnetic simulator is pres
ented in this article. The simulator is based on an integral equation,
a method-of-moment formulation for a full-wave solution of three-dime
nsional (3D) arbitrarily shaped structures in microwave and millimeter
-wave integrated circuits (MMIC), high temperature superconductor (HTS
) circuits, microstrip antennas, RF printed circuit boards (PCB), and
high speed digital circuit packaging. The primary solution of the simu
lator is the current distribution on a metallic structure in an enviro
nment of multilayered substrates on infinitely extended ground plane.
The circuit parameters of the structure in either S-parameter form or
RLC-SPICE equivalent circuit form is extracted from the solved current
distribution. The simulator consists of an MS-Windows-based layout ed
itor, a schematic editor, an electromagnetic simulator, and a post pro
cessor. The simulator can perform stand-alone electromagnetic simulati
on and optimization and mixed electromagnetic and nodal analysis. Simu
lation results for structures in various high frequency and high speed
domains are presented and compared to measured results. (C) 1994 John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.