Glucocorticosteroids represent the ''drugs of choice'' for treatment o
f sarcoidosis. Steroids can be given by all routes of administration.
Daily therapy with oral steroids is most widely applied. Initial thera
py should consist of prednisolone 30-60 mg/day or its equivalent. Alte
rnate day therapy can be used during the maintenance phase. Inhaled st
eroids can also be tried during the maintenance phase for treatment of
pulmonary sarcoidosis. Other drugs, which may be effective in sarcoid
osis, and have a steroid-sparing capacity, are methotrexate, azathiopr
ine, chlorambucil and cyclophosphamide. Chloroquine can be used for ch
ronic skin lesions and potassium para-aminobenzoate may soften fibroti
c lesions and keloids. Duration of treatment varies with the clinical
situation; from between 6 and 18 months to lifetime. In principle, con
tinuing signs of disease activity and functional impairment require co
ntinuing treatment. Determination of on-going activity may be a diffic
ult task. Symptomatic patients with stage II-III pulmonary sarcoidosis
, and many extrapulmonary manifestations of the disease, must be adequ
ately treated. Symptom-free patients with deteriorating lung function
and/or biochemical signs of disease activity also require treatment. S
teroids are not indicated for pulmonary stage I disease (hilar lymphad
enopathy) with or without erythema nodosum unless there are troublesom
e persistent chest symptoms (cough, pain, pressure symptoms) or arthra
lgia, oedema and pain of the legs.