Plasma iPGE(2) and i6-keto PGF(1 alpha) were measured with an EIA assa
y in twenty patients with alcohol-related liver cirrhosis (ALC group)
and 13 patients with hepatitis B virus as an etiologic factor of liver
cirrhosis (HLC group). Significant increase of both prostanoids was o
bserved irrespectively of the etiology of liver cirrhosis. Their level
s increased depending on the degree of liver insufficiency with the hi
ghest values in patients classified as Child-Pugh C class. A significa
nt, positive correlation with Child-Pugh score was found regarding PGE
(2) (r = 0,657; p < 0,001) as well as 6-keto PGF(1 alpha) (r = 0,736;
p < 0,001). Correlation (r = 0,789; p < 0,001) was also observed betwe
en levels of both prostaglandins. In conclusion we have shown that pla
sma iPGE, and i6-keto PGF(1 alpha) arise simultaneously with the degre
e of liver insufficiency, that can be a result of activation of non-pa
renchymal liver cells accompanying hepatic fibrosis.