In this paper a method is outlined to calibrate both the lateral and d
epth scales using a combination of FIM and PoSAP microanalysis. Result
s are given for the following alloy systems: Fe-45at%Cr, Cu-1at%Co, Al
-3at%Zn-3 at%Mg-1at%Cu and Fe-1.3wt%Cu-1.4wt%Ni. For each system a dir
ect relationship between the applied voltage and tip radius was found
from indexed FIM images and estimates of the image compression factor.
The reconstructed PoSAP data was divided into a series of frames in w
hich each represented a fraction of an atomic layer evaporated. Indivi
dual rings were seen to collapse inwards when the frames were displaye
d in succession. The visual effect is similar to watching ring collaps
e in a FIM image when DC field evaporation occurs. A depth scale calib
ration was determined directly from the number of ions detected per pl
ane evaporated. The lateral resolution of the wedge and strip anode wa
s analysed by placing a thin mask, consisting of a series of small cir
cular apertures, arranged in a concentric ring pattern, in front of th
e double channel plate assembly. A series of FIM images was generated
and compared with a simulation of the expected distribution of ion imp
acts. In order to simulate a uniform detector resolution a Gaussian sc
atter was added to each coordinate in the x and y directions of the si
mulated impact positions. A comparison between the observed impact pos
itions and simulations showed that approximately 96% of observations w
ould be located to within one atomic spacing during a typical PoSAP ex