The microcirculation of the respiratory organ of water and air breathi
ng vertebrates is similar and can be described as sheet flow. The gros
s morphologies of the systems, however, are very different and reflect
the properties of the medium. The fish heart has a single ventricle t
hat forces blood first through the gills and then through the body. Th
e pressure in the gills is higher than in the systemic circulation, th
e reverse of the situation seen in mammals. The gill epithelium is thi
cker than that in the lung and is involved in ionic and acid-base func
tions carried out in the kidney of mammals. Gills stick together in ai
r. Therefore, fish breathe air using some other structure, such as the
gut or mouth, the swimbladder, or the skin. The gills are retained fo
r carbon dioxide excretion and ion and acid-base regulation. This resu
lts in a separation of oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide excretion. The
gills are often modified in air-breathing fish such that venous blood
flows to well developed gills for carbon dioxide and acid excretion,
whereas oxygenated blood flow bypasses the gills. This is the beginnin
g of a separation of flows in the heart which is more highly developed
in amphibians and reptiles and complete in mammals. The loss of gills
requires transfer of ionic and acid base regulation processes to the
skin in amphibians and to the kidney in reptiles and mammals, allowing
a completely terrestrial existence. The organization of the venous sy
stem is influenced by the degree of support offered by the medium. The
re is an extensive re-organization of the venous system as vertebrates
move into air and lose the support of water.