PURPOSE: To present the expected appearance of the irradiated larynx a
nd neck as seen at computed tomography (CT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Si
xty-one patients with primary squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx or
hypopharynx were treated with radiation therapy. All patients underwe
nt CT before and after treatment. RESULTS: Expected changes include sy
mmetric thickening of the epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds, and false c
ords and increased attenuation of the paralaryngeal fat. The posterior
pharyngeal wall tends to thicken and its mucosa enhances; retropharyn
geal space edema is common. Glottic changes include increased attenuat
ion of the paraglottic fat planes and thickening of the anterior and p
osterior commissures. Subglottic changes include thickening of the muc
osa and submucosa. Soft-tissue changes include skin and platysmal thic
kening, as well as reticulation and increased attenuation of the subcu
taneous and deeper fat. CONCLUSION: Familiarization with expected radi
ologic changes is essential far interpretation of CT images of the irr
adiated larynx so that such changes are not mistaken for signs of pers
istent or recurrent tumor.