Since the first finding in 1853 (Frivaldszky, 1865), 27 Amphipoda have
been reported from Hungary, half of them being Niphargus species. The
other amphipod species belong to the genera Gammarus, Dikerogammarus,
Echinogammarus, Corophium, Synurella, Orchestia, and Talitrus. The mo
st detailed data are avaiable from Lake Balaton where altogether 8 spe
cies were found in different habitats, only a few species occurring to
gether. In the 1930s Corophium curvispinum invaded Lake Balaton. This
species was reported from Hungary for the first time in 1916 (from the
Danube). In the 1950s Dikerogammarus species replaced Gammarus roesel
ii in the lake. We investigated the ecology of the Amphipoda fauna in
Lake Balaton from 1983 to 1987. Both on the submerged macrophytes and
in the stony littoral zone of Lake Balaton Corophium curvispinum, Dike
rogammarus haemobaphes, and Dikerogammarus villosus occur, with domina
ncy of Corophium curvispinum. C. curvispinum and D. haemobaphes, livin
g on the submerged macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum near Tihany penins
ula, reproduce in late spring, summer, and early autumn. They produce
two generations a year. The biomass of C. curvispinum and D. haemobaph
es was roughly 11 and 0.1 g animal dry wt.m-2, respectively, in mid-Ju
ly 1986, in areas covered by Myriophyllum spicatum.