For the design and optimisation of advanced materials, the possibility
of reliably testing very small amounts of material or laboratory scal
e simple shape specimens is particularly interesting. To satisfy such
requirements, this work presents a new procedure for mechanical testin
g of metal matrix composites. The method is essentially a diametral co
mpression of cylindrical specimens and represents an improvement of th
e 'Brazilian' test. The mechanisms leading to fracture of composites h
are been investigated via the mechanical behaviour of different metal
matrix composites (A354-SiCp, A354-Al2O3 short fibres) and considerati
on given to the role of the major parameters involved (both test and m
aterial related). The results of the diametral compression test, in te
rms of rupture strength have been compared with those of conventional
tensile tests and characterisation of the microstructure via light and
electron microscopy has been carried out. Evaluation of the results l
ed to the conclusion that the failure of the materials is due to a ten
sile mechanism, according to elasticity theory, and that under identic
al testing conditions, for all the composites examined, the ratio of u
ltimate tensile strength/rupture strength is constant. The method deve
loped constitutes a useful and rapid tool for both the selection of ra
w materials and the optimisation of metal matrix composite manufacturi
ng processes. (C) 1994 The Institute for Materials.