In 2-year-old mice, astrocytes of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of the
hypothalamus, placed in close contact with the meningeal covering cont
ained concentric arrangements of cisterns in their cytoplasm called gl
ial concentric bodies (GCBs). They are formed by a variable number of
flattened cisterns without pores, and no anastomosis was observed betw
een adjacent cisterns. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) cisterns do n
ot show continuity with fully developed GCBs, although a close continu
ity between RER cisterns and GCBs was present in images suggesting GCB
formation. Concomitantly with the appearance of GCBs, ventral neurose
cretory neurons of the SON showed a cytoplasmic membrane reinforced by
the apposition of glial prolongations. The possible origin and functi
on of these GCBs and lamellae are discussed here.