We present a quantitative study of a neural network model [1] proposed
for the sustained neurons in the fly visual system. Electrophysiologi
cal recordings of sustained neurons [2] are digitized and transferred
to a computer. A numerical ordinary differential equation solver is us
ed to simulate the model. In order to obtain an initial set of paramet
ers, we introduce approximations to the model and obtain fits to parts
of the response characteristics. These initial parameter values are t
hen refined by optimization routines. The model is compared to data in
LC different experimental paradigms and in general is in good agreeme
nt with data. We conclude that the simplified versions of temporal and
spatial adaptation mechanisms of the model capture the essential feat
ures of the dynamics of sustained neurons and that the refinement of t
he model requires further experimental studies to elucidate the number
of stages involved in temporal adaptation as well as the precise shap
e of the relationship between the membrane potentials and the spike fr
equency for the sustained neurons.