Theoretical results are given for simple dipolar liquids in contact wi
th a metallic slab. The metal is treated by employing a jellium model
together with density functional (DF) theory. The liquid structure at
the interface is given by the reference hypernetted-chain (RHNC) appro
ximation. The liquid and metal interact electrostatically and the coup
led DF/RHNC equations are solved iteratively to obtain electron densit
y distributions and metal-liquid correlation functions which are compl
etely self-consistent. The electron density, liquid structure, and pot
ential. drop across the interface are discussed in detail. It is found
that dipoles in contact with the metal prefer to orient perpendicular
to the surface with their positive ends out. This is in accord with e
arlier calculations for dipolar monolayers on metal surfaces. Further
from the surface, the dipolar orientations oscillate and the liquid st
ructure rapidly decays to the bulk fluid limit.