Adsorption of methyl linolenate on activated granular carbon and on gl
ass powder in methanol water medium was studied by spectrophotometry.
The methanol percentage of the solution was determined from turbidity
measurements of methyl linolenate in aqueous medium and in the presenc
e of surfactants. S-type adsorption isotherm of methyl linolenate was
observed at 18-degrees-C on activated granular carbon in 28.57% methan
ol-water mixture. This indicates strong intermolecular attraction and
perpendicular orientation to the surface. Effect of surfactants (anion
ic, cationic, nonionic) having identical hydrophobic group, i.e. C12H2
5) on the adsorption phenomena, at the concentration below. CMC (2.10(
-5)M) was studied. Surfactants influenced both adsorption rate and ads
orption equilibrium for a certain (mol surfactant/mol methyl linolenat
e) ratio range (0.02-0.06). While anionic surfactants decreased the am
ount of adsorbed methyl linolenate, the cationic and nonionic ores inc
reased it. Maximum effect was observed at the 0.03 ratio. In the studi
es on glass powder, it was seen that methanol was adsorbed instead of
methy linolenate; the presence of surfactants caused a decrease on met
hanol's adsorption. Cationic surfactant is found to be most effective
in both cases.