B. Suys et al., BRADYCARDIA AND GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX IN TERM AND PRETERM INFANTS -IS THERE ANY RELATION, Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 19(2), 1994, pp. 187-190
Conflicting data are published regarding the influence of acid gastroe
sophageal reflux on the heart rate. In this study, heart rate was moni
tored simultaneously with esophageal pH in 50 infants with symptoms su
ggestive of gastroesophageal reflux disease (frequent vomiting and reg
urgitations). The data of 25 preterm infants (born at 28-366/7 weeks)
were compared to those of 25 term infants (born after 37 weeks of gest
ation). However, both groups were investigated at identical postconcep
tional age of 47-49 weeks. Not one significant bradycardia (heart rate
less than or equal to 80/min during greater than or equal to 10 s) wa
s recorded, although 71 ''relative bradycardia episodes'' (heart rate
less than or equal to 80/min during greater than or equal to 5 beats)
were detected, none lasting for >5 s. Although the number of infants w
ith relative bradycardia episodes did not differ between groups, the r
elative bradycardia episodes occurred more frequently in some preterm
infants (53 episodes in preterm infants vs. 18 in term babies). Acid g
astroesophageal reflux episodes were observed in 46 infants (92%). Nei
ther the number of reflux episodes nor their duration was different in
both groups. Simultaneous relative bradycardia episodes and acid refl
ux episodes were observed in three of 23 preterm and two of 23 term in
fants (NS). It is concluded that in a population of preterm and term i
nfants with symptoms suggestive of a moderate gastroesophageal reflux
pathology, investigated at comparable postconceptional age, most reflu
x episodes are not time-related to changes in heart rate.