One hundred and thirty-thr ee names of Fissidens Hedw. (including Cono
mitrium Mont., Moenkemeyera C. Mull., and Simplicidens Herz.) are plac
ed in the synonymy of 35 other names of Fissidens. Seventy-nine names
are lectotypified. Neotypes are designated for F. amoenus C. Mull., F.
distichellus Besch., F. oerstedianus C. Mull., F. pellucidus Hornsch.
, and F. serratus C. Mull. Fissidens pellucidus var. asterodontius (C.
Mull.) and F. pellucidus var. papilliferus (Broth.), are new combinat
ions. Fissidens townsendianus nom. & stat. nov. is proposed for F. wei
rii Mitt. var. insertus Grout.