The user of documents, e.g. of a library, faces the task of exploring
the data fundus and of selecting information according to his actual i
ntentions. He even may find or happen to find new aspects and, followi
ng these, will further develop his original quest. How can the user be
supported by PC-based procedures? Recently at the Institute of Philos
ophy, University of Innsbruck/Austria, the GABEK method (Ganzheitliche
Bewaltigung sprachlich erfabter Komplexitat) was developed. It has pr
oved useful so far in similar cases of ordering and/or retrieving info
rmation; especially to build hidden order structures and to incorporat
e them into information processing and storage facilities. It seems th
at the GABEK method might be applied successfully also to the user pro
blem as mentioned above. To clarify his quest the user relies on a dat
abase1. This base contains experiences of previous users, which are ex
pressed in natural language sentences. Through a PC-supported dialogue
1, founded on database1, the user elaborates a more detailed concept o
f his own topic. This concept later is termed a ''linguistic gestalt''
, if it fulfils certain conditions. The linguistic gestalt may include
3 to 10 sentences in natural language, which specify the user's origi
nal intentions. The key terms contained in this linguistic gestalt wil
l, in a dialogue2, be employed to retrieve relevant information from d
atabase2. Database2 represents the information system, e.g. a library.
The procedures as indicated above and the building of linguistic gest
alts can be effected by GABEK. Small quantities of data provided, the
WINRELAN program (1993) may be used.