Interchain transfers (ICTs) via dopants and interchain Coulomb (ICC) a
nd dopant Coulomb (DC) potentials in a Thomas-Fermi approximation are
calculated in a stoichiometrically K-doped stage-1 polyacetylene ((CH)
c). Owing to the large sizes of the valence orbitals of K, dopants giv
e the most important and dense net of ICTs. We make Hartree-Fock calcu
lations to see their effects using a reasonable intrachain Hamiltonian
. ICTs slightly affect the intrachain states but greatly change the or
bital energy spectrum though there is only a small effect near the Fer
mi energy. The DC converts the BOW charged soliton lattice into a CDW
bipolaron lattice. The ICC enlarges the gap and makes the phases of th
e bipolaron lattices ordered. Highly K-doped (CH)x has a gap and latti
ce distortions similar to those of charge soliton lattices. Electron c
orrelation is essential to achieve metallic (CH)x.