The author deduces some new probabilistic estimates on the distances b
etween the zeros of a polynomial p(chi) by using some properties of th
e discriminant of p(chi) and applies these estimates to improve the fa
stest deterministic algorithm for approximating polynomial factorizati
on over the complex field. Namely given a natural n, positive epsilon,
such that log(1/epsilon) = O(n logn), and the complex coefficients of
a polynomial p(chi) = Sigma(i=0)(n)p(i) chi(i), such that p(n) not eq
ual 0, Sigma(i)\pi\less than or equal to 1, a factorization of p(chi)
(within the error norm epsilon) is computed as a product of factors of
degrees at most n/2, by using O(log(2) n) time and n(3) processors un
der the PRAM arithmetic model of parallel computing or by using O(n(2)
log(2) n) arithmetic operations. The algorithm is randomized, of Las V
egas type, allowing a failure with a probability at most delta, for an
y positive delta < 1 such that log(1/delta) = O(log n). Except for a n
arrow class of polynomials p(chi), these results can be also obtained
for a such that log(1/epsilon) = O(n(2) log n).