The reliability of peer review of scientific documents and the evaluat
ive criteria scientists use to judge the work of their peers are criti
cally reexamined with special attention to the consistently low levels
of reliability that have been reported. Referees of grant proposals a
gree much more about what is unworthy of support than about what does
have scientific value. In the case of manuscript submissions this seem
s to depend on whether a discipline (or subfield) is general and diffu
se (e.g., cross-disciplinary physics, general fields of medicine, cult
ural anthropology, social psychology) or specific and focused (e.g., n
uclear physics, medical specialty areas, physical anthropology, and be
havioral neuroscience). In the former there is also much more agreemen
t on rejection than acceptance, but in the latter both the wide differ
ential in manuscript rejection rates and the high correlation between
referee recommendations and editorial decisions suggests that reviewer
s and editors agree more on acceptance than on rejection. Several sugg
estions are made for improving the reliability and quality of peer rev
iew. Further research is needed, especially in the physical sciences.