The genera Arthropodium and Dichopogon (Asparagales: Anthericaceae) ar
e considered to be closely related, if at all distinct. Limited eviden
ce from previous cytological studies suggested a polyploid series with
in the complex where Arthropodium taxa have 2n = 22 chromosomes, inter
mediate species, 2n = 44, and Dichopogon taxa, 2n = 66. Examination of
chromosomes in two thirds of the species in the Arthropodium-Dichopog
on complex did not support that suggestion, as most of the species in
both genera have a chromosome complement of 2n = 22. Evidence of polyp
loidy was found in D. strictus (2n = 22, 66), A. curvipes and D. preis
sii (2n = 44). The chromosomes are too small to provide useful informa
tion on chromosome morphology and C-band patterns. The lack of morphol
ogical features to delimit the two genera unequivocally, combined with
the prevailing 2n = 22 karyotype across both, supports merging them u
nder the name Arthropodium.