Exposure assessments for occupational epidemiological studies are typi
cally conducted to (1) establish risk gradients with exposure, evaluat
ing a potential causal relationship, or (2) estimate exposure-response
dosimetry for quantitative risk calculations. Unavailable quantitativ
e exposure data require use of surrogate or qualitative measures. Diff
erences in women's employment patterns may make surrogate measures les
s reliable, resulting in systematic errors. Exposures associated with
traditionally female careers have not been fully evaluated. Occupation
al cohorts are often defined to include workers with a minimum employm
ent duration or employment for some minimum time in exposure-related j
obs, thereby excluding many women workers. Even when included among st
udied and exposed worker cohorts, women's domestic exposures may confo
und risk evaluation. Male/female differences in xenobiotic uptake, dis
tribution, kinetics, and metabolism may affect the relationship betwee
n external exposure and resulting biologically effective dose. Clinica
l factors alter the recognition of disease among women workers, confou
nding risk determination. Recognizing these problems during design and
analysis of occupational cancer epidemiology research is essential to
develop valid preventive strategies.