Nuclear fuel can be fabricated using powder-metallurgy processes by co
mpacting uranium-oxide powder with aluminum powder to form a cermet an
d then extruding the cermet to form fuel tubes. This method of product
ion, allows greater control of uranium-oxide particle size and distrib
ution in the tube, making the production of fuel with greater concentr
ations of uranium oxide possible, and thus decreasing the volume of ra
dioactive waste remaining after the fuel is spent. As the concentratio
n of uranium oxide increases, however, there is an increase in failure
s during extrusion. To address this problem, an experimental procedure
was developed to examine the response of powder aluminum, a material
with a structure similar to that of the cermet fuel, to biaxial loadin
gs such as those experienced during extrusion. Biaxial loadings can be
varied from pure shear to simple tension or compression, or to combin
ations of these loadings in a numerically controlled 'tension-torsion'
testing machine. Data obtained using this system were used to develop
a model for the post-yield behavior in extruded powder aluminum which
includes information derived both from the macroscopic stress-strain
behavior of 1100 aluminum and extruded powder aluminum and from the ob
served microscopic structure of the extruded powder aluminum. This pap
er describes the development of the experimental system and shows the
different biaxial mechanical behavior of the two materials. Test fixtu
res were developed and software was written to control constant strain
-rate tension, compression, torsion, combined tension-torsion, and com
bined compression-torsion tests performed using a computer-controlled
MTS biaxial testing machine. Extruded powder aluminum and 1100 aluminu
m specimens were tested at 427 degrees C, the powder-aluminum extrusio
n temperature, under those loading conditions. Each specimen was subje
cted to only one loading cycle. Data were recorded during loading only
. Tested specimens were also sectioned and examined microscopically.