The influence of ant attendance on parasitization of the larvae of thr
ee hawthorn psyllid species [Cacopsylla peregrina Forster, C. melanone
ura Forster, C. crataegi (Schrank)] was studied over 2 years. All thre
e psyllid species had low parasitization rates. However, the ant-atten
ded C. crataegi was almost exclusively parasitized by Prionomitus mitr
atus (Dalman) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) while the unattended C. peregr
ina and C. melanoneura were predominantly attacked by P. tiliaris (Dal
man). Additionally, C. peregrina and C. melanoneura had significantly
higher hyperparasitization rates than the ant-attended C. crataegi, wi
th Pachyneuron muscarum as the dominant hyperparasitoid of all three p
syllids. The mummies of C. peregrina and C. melanoneura were also heav
ily attacked by anthocorids. Both Prionomitus tiliaris and P. mitratus
were disturbed and jumped away when encountering foraging ants. Howev
er, ant exclusion experiments showed that the primary parasitoid P. mi
tratus benefitted from ant attendance of its host C. crataegi as honey
dew-collecting ants provided it with protection from hyperparasitoids.