The differential variational principle of Jourdain (JVP) is extended t
o cover the dynamics of impulsive motion, formulated in terms of quasi
-velocities, instead of time rates of change of true or Lagrangian gen
eralized coordinates. This enlarges the scope of the JVP, because the
extension of its range to encompass the use of quasi-velocities (which
includes true velocities as a special case), enables the analyst to s
olve a wider range of problems. It should be pointed out that the math
ematical foundation of the JVP, which is based on the assumption that
the variation of the position vectors as well as the time is zero (in
true Lagrangian as well as quasi-coordinates), is ideally suited to th
e physics of impulsive motion, where finite changes in the velocity ar
e accompanied by negilgible changes in configuration and time.