This ultrastructural and light microscopic immunocytochemical study de
scribes the time course of anatomical changes that occur in striatal a
strocytes in response to neuronal deafferentation in young adult rats
and the coordinate distribution of two astrocytic proteins involved in
reactive synaptogenesis, glial fibrillary acidic protein and clusteri
n. We found that following a unilateral lesion of the cerebral cortex,
striatal astrocytes undergo a rapid ultrastructural transformation fr
om a protoplasmic to a reactive type of astroglia and are the primary
cells involved in the removal of degenerating axon terminals, but not
axons of passage, from the neuropil. In addition, at 10 and 27 days po
stlesion, processes of reactive astrocytes are also seen to occupy vac
ant postsynaptic spines after degenerating presynaptic terminals are r
emoved, suggesting that they may also participate in the reinnervation
of the deafferented neurons. By immunocytochemistry, reactive astrocy
tes were characterized by a significant increase in the intensity of g
lial fibrillary acidic protein staining beginning at three days postle
sion and lasting for at least 27 days postlesion. Reactive astrocytes
were characterized by cellular hypertrophy and an increase in the dens
ity of immunoreactive processes distributed throughout the deafferente
d striatum. However, our analysis of astrocyte cell number found no ev
idence of astrocyte proliferation in response to the deafferentation l
esion. Although previous in situ hybridization studies have reported e
levated clusterin messenger RNA in reactive astrocytes after decortica
tion, clusterin immunoreactivity was not seen in the cell soma of reac
tive astrocytes but was distributed as punctate deposits, ranging from
1 to 2 mu m in diameter, within the neuropil of the deafferented stri
atum. At 10 days postlesion, the distribution of clusterin staining ap
peared as large aggregates of immunoreactive deposits adjacent to neur
ons. However, by 27 days postlesion, the aggregates of clusterin react
ion product were replaced by a fine scattering of individual punctate
deposits distributed evenly over the dorsal part of the deafferented s
triatum. These data support the notion that reactive astrocytes serve
multiple, time-dependent roles in response to brain injury and are inv
olved in both the removal of degenerative debris from the lesion site
as well as in reforming the synaptic circuitry of the damaged brain. O
ur data suggest that, in response to decortication, reactive astrocyte
s are the primary cells responsible for removing degenerating axon ter
minals, but not axons of passage, from the deafferented striatum and t
hat the coordinate increase in glial fibrillary acidic protein may ser
ve to stabilize the extension of reactive astrocytic processes during
phagocytosis. By comparison, clusterin is most likely an extracellular
protein released by reactive astrocytes in response to brain damage.
Possible roles for clusterin in reactive synaptogenesis include servin
g as a lipoprotein to facilitate the distribution of recycled lipid to
actively sprouting axons and dendrites or regulation of complement-me
diated responses.