Amylin is a recently discovered 37 amino acid peptide which is co-secr
eted from the pancreas with insulin and acts to modulate carbohydrate
metabolism Recently, high-affinity binding sites for [I-125]rat amylin
have been identified in the rat central nervous system. These sites a
lso have high affinity for the structurally related peptides calcitoni
n gene-related peptide and salmon calcitonin. In the present study we
have used in vitro autoradiography to map the distribution of these [I
-125]rat amylin binding sites in rat brain. High to moderate levels of
binding were present in mid-caudal accumbens nucleus, fundus striati
and parts of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and substantia in
ominata. This binding extended caudally into parts of the amygdalostri
atal transition zone and the central and medial amygdaloid nuclei. Hig
h to moderate levels of binding also occurred in much of the hypothala
mus including the medial preoptic, dorsomedial hypothalamic and medial
tuberal nuclei as well as the ventrolateral subnucleus of the ventrom
edial hypothalamic nucleus. Other regions of high level binding includ
ed the subfornical organ, the vascular organ of the lamina terminalis,
area postrema, locus coeruleus, dorsal raphe and caudal parts of the
nucleus of the solitary tract. The subfornical organ, vascular organ o
f the lamina terminalis and area postrema, which display some of the h
ighest binding densities, lack a patent blood-brain barrier and thus c
ould be responsive to blood-borne amylin. In conclusion we have mapped
, in detail, the distribution of amylin binding sites in rat brain. Th
e location of binding is consistent with potential roles for these sit
es in appetite, fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, autonomic function
and regulation of mood.