Two issues have come up in the specification of a prior in the Bayesia
n analysis of time series with possible unit roots. The first issue de
als with the singularity that is due to the local identification probl
em of the unconditional mean of an AR(1) process in the limit of a ran
dom walk. This singularity problem is related to the difference betwee
n a structural parameterization and the linear reduced form in a stand
ard regression model with fixed regressors. The second is related to t
he time series nature of the regressor in an AR(1) model. In this pape
r we will concentrate on the parameterization issue. First, it is show
n that the posterior of the autoregressive parameter can be very sensi
tive to the degree of prior dependence between the unconditional mean
and the autocorrelation parameter. Second, the time series nature of t
he problem suggests a particular form of this dependence.