Responses of high-energy phosphates and metabolic properties to hindli
mb suspension were studied in adult rats. The relative content of phos
phocreatine (PCr) in the calf muscles was significantly higher in rats
suspended for 10 days than in age-matched cage controls. The Pi/PCr r
atio, where Pi is inorganic phosphate, in suspended muscles was less t
han controls. The absolute weights of soleus and medial gastrocnemius
(MG) were approximately 40% less than controls. Although the % fiber d
istribution in MG was unchanged, the % slow fibers decreased and the %
fibers which were classified as both slow and fast was increased in s
oleus. The activities (per unit weight or protein) of succinate dehydr
ogenase and lactate dehydrogenase in soleus were unchanged but those o
f cytochrome oxidase, beta-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase, and citrate
synthase were decreased following unloading. None of these enzyme acti
vities in MG changed. However, the total levels of all enzymes in whol
e muscles decreased by suspension. It is suggested that shift of slow
muscle toward fast type by unloading is associated with a decrease in
mitochondrial biogenesis. Further, gravitational unloading affected th
e levels of muscle proteins differently even in the same mitochondrial
enzymes. Unloading-related atrophy is prominent in red muscle or slow
-twitch fiber1,2. Such atrophy is accompanied by a shift of contractil
e properties toward fast-twitch type 2-9. Further, inhibition of mitoc
hondrial metabolism in these muscles is also reported by some studies
10-14 suggesting a lowered mitochondrial biogenesis, although results
from some studies do not necessarily agree1,7,15. However, the precise
mechanism responsible for such alterations of muscle properties in re
sponse to gravitational unloading is unclear. On the contrary, mitocho
ndrial biogenesis, suggested by mitochondrial enzyme activities and/or
mass, is stimulated in muscles with depleted high-energy phosphates b
y cold exposure16 and/or by feeding creatine analogue beta-guanidinopr
opionic acid17-19. Tension production may be inhibited in unloaded ant
igravity muscles20, although the muscular activity detected by electro
myography is not necessarily decreased21. Thus, the contents of high-e
nergy phosphates or turnover rate of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), whi
ch then affect the mitochondrial energy metabolism, may be altered. Th
erefore, the responses of high-energy phosphates and metabolic propert
ies of rat hindlimb muscles to gravitational unloading were investigat