Reduced glutathione was conjugated to carrier proteins with glutaralde
hyde. Conjugates were reduced by sodium borohydride and injected into
rabbits. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, antibody affinity
and specificity were determined by competition experiments between gl
utathione conjugate and related conjugated compounds. The resulting cr
oss-reactivity ratios, calculated at half-displacement, showed that co
njugated glutathione was the best recognized compound. Non-reduced glu
tathione conjugate was 50 x less recognized. The other related conjuga
tes were not recognized at all. Thus, the high affinity and relative s
pecificity make these antibodies potentially valuable tools for immuno
histochemical detection of reduced glutathione in glutaraldehyde-fixed
rat brain. Using purified antisera diluted at 1/5000, reduced glutath
ione was preferentially visualized in nerve fibers of cortex, cerebell
um and spinal cord. These results suggest that concentration of GSH in
rat CNS are higher in nerve fibers than in neuronal perikaryons.