The evaluation of porcine small intestine submucosa (SIS) in a microsu
rgical model was conducted using an interpositional graft in the rat f
emoral artery. The SIS grafts were fabricated from processed porcine m
aterial that was wrapped around a glass tube and oversewn longitudinal
ly to produce a tubular structure. Of the 42 animals studied, 7 receiv
ed grafts of untreated SIS (group I), 7 of grafts were presoaked (PSH)
in heparin (Group II), 7 animals were treated with systemic heparin p
rior to implantation of PSH-SIS (group III), 7 animals received SIS gr
afts crosslinked to heparin (group IV), 7 animals received SIS grafts
crosslinked to urokinase (group V), and 7 animals received untreated a
utologous epigastric vein grafts (group VI). Patency was assessed post
operatively and selected grafts were evaluated by histology. All SIS g
rafts failed to maintain patency beyond the first postoperative hour.
Histologic examination of the thrombosed graft surfaces revealed a smo
oth luminal surface with a thick layer of attached fibrin and platelet
s with a central occluding thrombus. The thickness of the induced fibr
in layer appears to narrow intraluminal space significantly at the mic
rovascular level. While having excellent success at vessel diameters g
reater than 3 mm, and in a variety of nonporcine animal models without
xenographic rejection, SIS in this model was thrombogenic despite a f
avorable surface morphology as demonstrated by SEM. Even with use of h
eparin and urokinase SIS graft thrombosis occurred.