The significance of,cysteinyl leukotrienes was investigated in patient
s with liver diseases by measurements of leukotriene E(4) and N-acetyl
-leukotriene E(4) in urine. A marked increase of renal cysteinyl leuko
triene excretion was observed in patients with cirrhosis without and w
ith ascites, intrahepatic cholestasis, and obstructive jaundice as com
pared with healthy subjects (leukotriene E(4): means 82, 264, 221 and
142 versus 40 nmol/mol creatinine, respectively; N-acetyl-leukotriene
E(4): means 25, 64, 61 and 47 versus 13 nmol/mol creatinine, respectiv
ely). The urinary concentration of leukotriene E(4) was positively cor
related with the one of N-acetyl-leukotriene E(4) (r = 0.81, p < 0.001
). In patients with cirrhosis, the excretion of cysteinyl leukotrienes
was strongly increased in patients in Child-Turcotte stage C as compa
red with those in Child-Turcotte stages A and B. In patients with intr
ahepatic cholestasis and in those with obstructive jaundice, the excre
tion of leukotriene E(4) plus N-acetyl-leukotriene E(4) was positively
correlated with total serum bilirubin. In patients with cirrhosis and
in those with obstructive jaundice, the cysteinyl leukotrienes in uri
ne were negatively correlated with creatinine clearance. The elevated
renal excretion of cysteinyl leukotrienes decreased after biliary drai
nage in patients with obstructive jaundice. These data support the con
cept that increased urinary excretion of cysteinyl leukotrienes in pat
ients with cirrhosis is due to a reduced functional liver mass and tha
t in patients with cholestasis it is mainly due to an impaired elimina
tion into the biliary tract that results in a diversion to renal excre
tion. The increased concentrations of biologically active cysteinyl le
ukotrienes may play an important role in the renal circulatory disturb
ance in patients with cirrhosis and obstructive jaundice.