Laboratory studies of diapause induction in the horn fly Haematobia ir
ritans irritans (L.) indicated that the incidence of diapause was unre
lated to daylength or the number of day-night cycles. Transfer experim
ents were conducted to estimate the beginning and end of diapause sens
itivity and the required number of days for diapause induction. On ave
rage, sensitivity was between the ages 0.10 and 0.82 on a physiologica
l age scale of immature development. The number of days required for 5
0% diapause was estimated as 19.1 days. A model was developed relating
the proportion of insects in diapause to the number of days spent in
the interval 0.10-0.82. Additional experiments revealed that diapause
in the puparia was related to the mean temperatures experienced by imm
atures during the interval of sensitivity. An equation relating the pr
oportion in diapause to temperature was also developed and compared wi
th the required day number model. Both models provided similar estimat
es of the proportion of horn flies entering diapause.