Transgenic mice harboring simian virus 40 large T antigen (Tag) gene f
used to an erythroid-specific enhancer developed soft tissue sarcomas
which expressed very high levels of T antigen. The Tag expression was
not detectable in the animals' non-transformed tissues. While mice bea
ring several copies of the transgene developed tumors at an early age
of 4-6 months, those with a single copy had a delayed onset of 10-16 m
onths, and DNA analysis of their tumors showed amplification of the Ta
g transgene. Amplification of a Tag transgene has also been described
previously in brain tumors. Our studies demonstrate that Tag transgene
amplification is not restricted to a particular construct or a single
tumor type. Therefore, this may be a general mechanism for Tag-mediat
ed carcinogenesis, and our transgenic mouse system can be useful for e
lucidating the mechanisms that govern the amplification process of Tag
sequences ia vivo.