Along with advancement of communication systems, the demand for fault-
tolerance and real-time performance for communication protocols contin
ues to increase. Communication protocols which perform recovery from a
ny abnormal state to a normal state are called self-stabilizing protoc
ols. However, in these protocols, real-time recovery is not taken into
consideration. This paper discusses verification of communication pro
tocols which have self-stabilizing and timeliness properties, which ar
e called responsive protocols. Gouda et al. proposed a mathematical me
thod to prove whether a given protocol specification satisfies the sel
f-stabilizing property. However, this method is not automated and does
not verify the timeliness property. This paper thus proposes an autom
ated method for verification of responsive protocols. In this method,
communication protocols are modeled by extended finite state machines
and their states are represented by predicates. The self-stabilizing p
roperty is proven by verifying that sequences of such states which sta
rt from an arbitrary abnormal state converge in a normal state. Also,
the timeliness property is proven by verifying that the convergence is
done within a priori given time.