Coal worker's pneumoconiosis is caused by the pulmonary deposition of
coal dust, including silica particles. Several factors such as chemica
l composition and physical properties of silica-containing dust, parti
cle size distribution, intensity, and duration of exposure influence t
he disease development. Genetic factors may also be involved. To defin
e whether HLA-DRB may function as a genetic factor for predisposition
to coal worker's pneumoconiosis, we determined DRB1, 3, 4, 5 alleles.
For this purpose, DRB typing with sequence-specific oligonucleotide pr
obes in 204 German miners with pneumoconiosis and in 52 German miners
without pneumoconiosis was used. The miners had worked under comparabl
e conditions. The frequency of DR8 (10801-0804) was increased in pati
ents developing pneumoconiosis during the first 15 years of mining (p
= 0.047). The frequency of DR1 (10101-0103) was elevated (p = 0.022)
and that of DR52 (30101, 3*0201, 3*0202, and 3*0301) was reduced (p =
0.026) in miners without pneumoconiosis. Our data show that the prese
nce of DR1 and the absence of DR52 support the resistance to coal work
er's pneumoconiosis. Furthermore, DR8 may be involved in the rapid dev
elopment of coal worker's pneumoconiosis.