Lignins were isolated from spruce TMP and hydrogen peroxide bleached T
MP (BTMP) by means of enzymatic hydrolysis with cellulases in yields o
f 67 and 78%, respectively. In addition, the TMP lignin, TMP EL, was s
ubjected to a treatment with bleaching agent to obtain a bleached lign
in, TMP ELB. The three lignin samples were all characterized by thioac
idolysis and C-13-NMR spectroscopy. Comparison of these lignin samples
provided evidence about the behaviour of lignin towards alkaline hydr
ogen peroxide bleaching. It has been demonstrated that the bleaching d
oes not affect the overall structure of lignin. The only one major cha
nge of the lignin moiety is elimination of coniferaldehyde end structu
res, which would be an important contribution to the brightening of pu