Starting from a first principles basis deformation of a Riemannian man
ifold, a new affine connection is derived that contains both gravitati
onal and electromagnetic fields on equal footing term for term. Using
this connection, it is shown that parallel transport of the tangent ve
ctor on a curve yields the Lorentz force equation for a changed partic
le, while transport of the normal vector yields the equation of motion
for a classical spin including the covariant Thomas precession. Furth
ermore, the new electrodynamic connection exactly satisfies the form a
nd the compatibility criteria for the general non-symmetric connection
sought by Schrodinger for his affine field theory. The results of the
present work are shown to be equivalent to introducing an electrodyna
mic torsion on the manifold thus rendering it non-Riemannian. The new
connection may serve to illuminate the geometry of electrodynamics.