During the debate over ratifying the U.S. Constitution, both the Feder
alists and the Anti-Federalists offered inconsistent arguments. They v
iolated principles of transitivity (e.g., statements such as ''A furth
ers B'' and ''B furthers C'' coexist with the statement ''A hinders C'
'). Using cognitive mapping to extract the network of causal assertion
s offered during the debate, and transaction resource theory to identi
fy game-theoretic structures in these maps, including coordination, ba
rgaining, and social dilemma games, we find that violations of transit
ivity have only two sources. They arise in bargaining games, where con
cessions not only entail costs but also reduce the prospect for a cost
ly conflict, and social dilemmas, where cooperation not only entails i
ndividual costs but also increases the amount of public good produced
Thus conflicting valuations of concessions and cooperation generate an
ambivalence that is reflected in transitivity violations. Hence these
violations serve as markers within the maps that indicate the presenc
e of either bargaining games or social dilemmas. These games also refl
ect situations in which debaters have incentives to engage in strategi
c manipulation of information.