The effectiveness of single and repeated annual preharvest glyphosate
applications (1 to 2 wk before crop harvest) to reduce Canada thistle
populations was evaluated in field experiments near Bezanson, AB, Scot
t, SK, and St. Albert, AB. Single applications of glyphosate at 0.45 t
o 1.8 kg/ha at Bezanson and St. Albert reduced Canada thistle shoot de
nsity by more than 75% but in the three experiments at Scott 1.8 kg/ha
was required to consistently obtain a similar reduction. Four consecu
tive, annual applications of glyphosate at 0.45 kg/ha or more did not
eliminate Canada thistle but reduced shoot densities by more than 98%
at Bezanson. At Scott, similar reductions occurred in two of three sit
es following two consecutive, annual preharvest applications of glypho
sate at the same rates. In the third Scott site the 1.8 kg/ha rate of
glyphosate provided a similar reduction but lower rates did not. At Be
zanson, barley yields following the first, second, and third applicati
ons of glyphosate at 0.45 kg/ha or more were 14% greater than check pl
ots where MCPA was applied in the spring. Yields of wheat seeded 1 yr
after a single application of glyphosate at St. Albert were 26% greate
r than from unsprayed checks. Barley yields seeded 1 yr after each gly
phosate application at Scott were not affected because Canada thistle
populations were sparse. Nomenclature: Glyphosate, N-(phosphonomethyl)
glycine; MCPA, [(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetic acid]; Canada thistle
, Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. #3 CIRAR; barley, Hordeum vulgare L.; whe
at, Triticum aestivum L.