Four fast solvers and their variations are compared in terms of the ac
curacy of the solutions and computation time when they are used to sol
ve a system of stiff ordinary differential equations describing the ca
rbon bond IV mechanism in air quality modeling. The solvers are the Ur
ban Airshed Model (UAM) solver, the quasi-steady-state assumption (QSS
A), and the Hybrid solvers, each with an additional version employing
the steady-state algorithm of the UAM solver, and the new implicit-exp
licit hybrid (IEH) solver under two different sets of error tolerance.
The solvers were run for one 6-min time step under 256 different init
ial conditions for both daytime and nighttime. In terms of accuracy, t
he IEH solvers are the most accurate, while the QSSA solver is the lea
st accurate. In terms of computation time, QSSA and QSSA with UAM stea
dy state are the fastest, while UAM is the slowest for daytime integra
tion and widely variable for nighttime integration. The more tolerant
version of IEH (IEH26) and the Hybrid solver coupled with UAM steady s
tate are fast, but the former is more accurate under all tested condit
ions, assumes only one steady-state species (O1D), conserves the nitro
gen mass, and is applicable to other stiff chemical systems. According
ly, IEH26 should be an excellent candidate as a fast and accurate chem
istry solver in air quality modeling, combustion, and other reactive f
low systems.