A family of three-dimensional models of reconnection is presented in w
hich the different members of the family are characterized by the vort
icity with which plasma flows towards the reconnection site. The natur
e of this inflow also determines the size and speed of the outflow jet
that carries reconnected field lines away from the reconnection site,
and the shape of the MHD shocks that bound it. Flows with positive vo
rticity are of a flux pile-up type, for which the outflow jet is faste
st and narrowest. Among those with negative vorticity is the three-dim
ensional analogue of Petschek reconnection. Not all combinations of vo
rticity and reconnection rate are possible; for those solutions with n
egative vorticity, there is a maximum reconnection rate. As the magnet
ic Reynolds number R(me), or the current density is increased, this ma
ximum is reduced and the possible types of solution become more polari
zed towards the two extremes of flux pile-up and slow compression regi
mes. Given a distribution of vorticities and inflow speeds, these mode
ls give the corresponding distribution of possible steady-state reconn
ection rates. As an illustrative example, we take Gaussian distributio
ns of both to show that the resulting distribution is dominated by the
flux pile-up regime.