Data from a longitudinal study carried out in Dunedin, New Zealand, we
re used to investigate associations between alcohol consumption at age
18 years and alcohol-related mass media communications recalled at ag
es 13 and 15 years. The respondents' recall of alcohol-related mass me
dia material were categorized as: commercial alcohol advertising, alco
hol moderation messages or the portrayal of alcohol in entertainment.
An additional media variable was the number of hours spent watching te
levision. Non-media variables, such as peer approval of drinking, livi
ng situation and occupation (all at age 18 years) were also included i
n the analyses. The period between the interviews at ages 13 and 15 ye
ars saw an increase in the broadcast of commercial alcohol advertiseme
nts on television in New Zealand and this was reflected in an increase
in the proportion of the mass media material recalled which was categ
orized as commercial advertising. At age 15 years television advertisi
ng, mostly for beer companies, was the predominant material recalled.
No relationships were found between the commercial advertising and win
e and spirits consumption, among either men or women, but young women
who had watched more hours of television drank more wine/spirits. Amon
g women there were two unexpected negative relationships between recal
l of alcohol in the media at age 13 years and beer consumption. Howeve
r, among men there was a consistent positive relationship such that th
ose who had recalled more alcohol advertisements at age 15 years drank
larger quantities of beer at age 18 years.