This study was set in a general, university hospital in the Canary Isl
ands, with the objective to evaluate an enzyme-linked immunosorbent as
say (ELISA) using A60 in the serodiagnosis of tuberculosis. Ige antibo
dy to A60 was determined in 205 patients with active disease [149 cult
ure-positive patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (positive sputum sme
ar 94, negative sputum smear 55) and 56 patients with extrapulmonary t
uberculosis], 20 patients with inactive disease, 22 patients with lepr
omatous leprosy, and 51 controls. The mean levels of anti-A60 antibodi
es were significantly higher in patients with active disease as compar
ed with controls or patients with inactive disease. Differences were a
lso found between tuberculous patients with pulmonary and extrapulmona
ry disease. In patients with pulmonary disease, significant difference
s were detected between smear-positive and smear-negative patients. Th
e overall sensitivity of the test (cutoff 240 ELISA units) was 52.2%.
The highest sensitivity was found among smear-positive patients with p
ulmonary tuberculosis (67%) and the lowest among those with extrapulmo
nary tuberculosis (32.1%). We conclude that ELISA for the measurement
of IgG antibody to Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen A60 could be of
interest, specially in smear-negative cases and extrapulmonary tubercu