Covering four chrysanthemum cultivars with far-red transmitting (trans
mission 720-780 nm 30-35%) textile material caused different flowering
and elongation responses: Although number of leaves until terminal in
florescence was not affected, in two cultivars days to visible buds an
d first open flower increased significantly ('Dark Gaby', 'Babette').
With 'Babette' additionally time between stage of visible bud until an
thesis was increased by FR. Elongation of internodes was affected inde
pendently from growth type: 'Babette' with short internodes and 15 lea
ves per shoot as well as 'Meike' with long internodes and only 10 leav
es per shoot showed a much more higher rate of elongation under FR tha
n 'Goldfinger' with short internodes and 15 leaves per shoot or 'Dark
Gaby' with long internodes and 10 leaves per shoot. Therefore, suscept
ibility to FR seems not to be correlated with the growth type. For bre
eding compact plants (true dwarf types), therefore, FR stress should b
e used to select genotypes with low FR-susceptibility.