This paper proposes the use of a Grid Convergence Index (GCI) for the
uniform reporting of grid refinement studies in Computational Fluid Dy
namics. The method provides an objective asymptotic approach to quanti
fication of uncertainty of grid convergence. The basic idea is to appr
oximately relate the results from any grid refinement test to the expe
cted results from a grid doubling using a second-order method. The GCI
is based upon a grid refinement error estimator derived from the theo
ry of generalized Richardson Extrapolation. It is recommended for use
whether or not Richardson Extrapolation is actually used to improve th
e accuracy, and in some cases even if the conditions for the theory do
not strictly hold. A different form of the GCI applies to reporting c
oarse grid solutions when the GCI is evaluated from a ''nearby'' probl
em. The simple formulas may be applied a posteriori by editors and rev
iewers, even if authors are reluctant to do so.