Coorongite and carbonaceous residues from coorongite pyrolysis at 450
and 500-degrees-C were studied by laser ablation Fourier transform mas
s spectrometry. Raw coorongite gave positive-ion spectra having mainly
protonated species of m/z 80-300 when laser ablated with a high laser
power density. Endohedral fullerene positive ions of calcium were obs
erved during the laser ablation of coorongite pyrolysis residues. Pyro
lysis of the raw coorongite at 450 and 500-degrees-C produced residues
which on laser ablation using the fundamental frequency of an Nd:YAG
laser (1064 nm) gave a series of calcium fullerides. These ions were o
bserved using low laser power densities (100-600 kW cm-2) Mixing the c
oorongite pyrolysis residue with barium sulphate gave M@C(n)+ ions whe
re M = calcium or barium. Mixing the coorongite pyrolysis residue with
strontium oxalate also gave M@C(n)+ ions where M = calcium or stronti
um. No ions containing two or more metals were detected.