As the modem treatment for anal carcinoma is either radiotherapy alone
or combined radiochemotherapy, an exact histological staging is impos
sible. Therefore we have to depend on an accurate preoperative staging
method. Endoanal ultrasonography enables imaging of the normal anal c
anal and its pathologies. In a prospective investigation we were able
to confirm the histological proven diagnosis of an anal epidermoid car
cinoma in 12 patients with a 10-MHz transducer covered with a sonoluce
nt plastic cone. The depth of infiltration can be determined in relati
on to the normal layers of the anal canal. Six patients treated with r
adiotherapy alone or combined radiochemotherapy were followed and the
success or failure of the treatment was documented. Endosonography of
the anal canal allows an exact staging of a primary anal carcinoma and
the follow-up in irradiated carcinomas. Besides digital palpation and
proctoscopy with biopsy, endosonography complements the preoperative
staging of anal carcinomas.