Objective. To differentiate between Crigler-Najjar (CN) disease types
1 and 2.Design. The patterns of serum bilirubins, bile pigment composi
tion, and phenobarbital response were studied. Patients. Three infants
, affected by high serum unconjugated bilirubin concentrations, previo
usly classified as type 1 CN. Methods. Serum and bile bilirubin pigmen
t composition, both before and after phenobarbital (FB) treatment, wer
e determined by alkaline methanolysis and high-pressure liquid chromat
ography. PB was given for at least 3 weeks by oral administration (5 m
g/kg bw per day). Results. No diconjugated bilirubin was found either
before or after FB treatment in the serum of the three studied infants
. In two patients traces of monoconjugated bilirubin were detected bef
ore PB therapy, and the ratio of conjugated/total bilirubin (percent)
was increased by the PB response. In the third patient, traces of mono
conjugated bilirubin appeared only after PB administration. However, t
he serum unconjugated bilirubin concentration decreased significantly
only in the second patient, following the second cycle of PB treatment
, leading to the diagnosis of type 2 CN. The analysis of the methyl es
ter derivatives of bile pigments was also performed on bile samples ob
tained in two patients by Entero-Test (R) both before and after PB tre
atment. An absolute increment in monoesterified bilirubin concentratio
n was found after PB administration, although the percent concentratio
n increased in one case and decreased in the other. No diesterified bi
lirubin was detected in the bile samples. Conclusions. The present res
ults show that in types 1 and 2 CN disease it is possible to detect tr
aces of monconjugated but not diconjugated bilirubin both in serum and
in bile. Whereas PB treatment is effective in slightly increasing the
serum monoconjugated bilirubin concentration even in type 1 CN diseas
e, the diagnosis of type 1 or 2 is based on finding a substantial decr
ease of serum unconjugated bilirubin following PB administration.