The technique of appendicocaecostomy produces a continent catheterizab
le channel through which colonic washouts are given. This procedure wa
s performed on six women of mean age 33.5 years with severe idiopathic
constipation (mean stool frequency less than 1 per week) resistant to
medical therapy. All patients had prolonged colonic transit times, th
ree had evidence of obstructed defaecation and all had reduced or abse
nt voluntary anal squeeze pressure. Patients found the appendicocaecos
tomy and catheterization acceptable, and symptoms of abdominal distens
ion and pain resolved. All patients were able to initiate defaecation
and evacuate the colon within Ih of irrigation, and no patient had app
reciable incontinence. Irrigation was necessary every 48-72 h. Adults
with intractable constipation and pelvic floor weakness would be at ri
sk of faecal incontinence after ileorectal anastomosis; it is in these
patients that appendicocaecostomy has potential for the greatest bene