The most important neurodegenerative diseases of the horse are reviewe
d. In addition to the literature, neurodegenerative diseases occurring
in patients (horses, Mongolian Przewalski-horses, and two zebras) ref
erred to the Utrecht Veterinary Faculty are mentioned. Neurodegenerati
ve diseases described are: I. ataxia associated with: A/ static stenos
is, B/ dynamic stenosis, C/ lesions at various locations in the centra
l nervous system, D/ equiene herpesvirus infections, E/ equiene degene
rative myelo-encefalopathy, or F/ cerebellar abiotrophy; II. equiene m
otor neuron disease; III. grass sickness or equiene dysautonomia; IV.
postanaesthetic myelomalacia; and V. equiene leuko-encefalomalacia. Th
e patient descriptions show, that mixed forms of some of the different
iated diseases can be diagnosed. Little is known with certainty about
the aetiology of the neurodegenerative lesions found. In some patients
vitamin E may play a role, possibly in combination with other factors
. A mycotoxin known to interfere with myelin metabolism is involved in